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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀LAREX⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀Laboratory of Recycling, Waste Treatment ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀and Extraction⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Used Tires Recycling


Used tires are becoming a worldwide problem. In 2007, 1.413 billion tires were produced, an increase of 4% compared to 2006. The annual generation of waste tires worldwide is 1 billion. In the past, little importance was given to the subject: used tires were discarded in huge landfills in the most developed countries. In emerging countries, the problem was simply ignored, often the final destination of these tires was vacant land, rivers, streams, among others.

In Brazil in 2009, 53.8 million tires were produced, 4.7 million imported and 14.5 million new tires exported. There was a 10% drop in production. The trend for the tire industry in 2010 is the 20% recovery of the aftermarket lost in recent years for Chinese cargo and automobile tires. In 2009, 2.15 million used tires were imported, or 19.2 thousand tons at a cost of US $ 1.33 per tire. Despite the import ban, used tires continue to enter Brazil through Uruguay and Paraguay. In 2009, 45.5% of the total imported imported through Mercosur. Used tire manufacturers and importers were unable to meet recycling targets in the period from 2003 to 2008, established in CONAMA Resolution No. 258/99, as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1 – Compliance with the goals established by CONAMA Resolution No. 258/99 for manufacturers, importers of new and used tires.

In 2009, the new CONAMA Resolution No. 416/09, of September 30, 2009, was approved, providing for the prevention of environmental degradation caused by waste tires and their environmentally appropriate destination, and other provisions. Changes the way of calculating the quantity of tires to be recycled by manufacturers and importers of new tires.

RM = (T + I) – (E + EO)
RM = Reposition Market
T =Total tires produced
I = Total imported tires
E = Total tires exported
EO = Total tires fitted to new vehicles.

To calculate the weight to be destined, the wear factor of 30% over the weight of the new tire produced or imported must be applied. All tires over 2 kg must be recycled. Manufacturers and imported new tires must prepare a management plan for the collection, storage and disposal of waste tires – PGP, within 6 months of the publication of the Resolution. To comply with CONAMA Resolution No. 416/09, tire manufacturers must make an investment in the tire collection and disposal program, 20% higher than that carried out in 2009, with a forecast of US $ 25 million. The project studies the reverse logistics of post-consumer tires from the points of collection, collection, pre-treatment to their final destination. The main objective of the study is to develop a logistic model for the recycling of post-consumer tires in Brazil.

The reverse logistics of post-consumer tires is one of the main processes within the recycling chain, which makes it economically viable and maintains consistency throughout the chain, be it for the process of reuse, recycling or energy recovery. One of the difficulties encountered is identifying the location of used tires. In many cases, used tires are located in regions that are difficult to access, which makes the process unfeasible from an economic point of view, due to the high logistical cost. In addition, tires take up a lot of volume when transported in one piece.

In Brazil, 83% of waste tire collection is located in the south and southeast. In 2009, the State of São Paulo, collected 9000 tons of tires monthly and has the capacity to dispose of only 7500 tons per month. The surplus tires are sent to the States of Paraná and Minas Gerais for co-processing in clinker furnaces. The cost per tire collected and destined in the period from 2002 to 2009 was US $ 0.45. This cost includes transportation of collection points, tire pre-treatment, final destination and advertising campaigns. Figure 2 shows the result of tire recycling in 2009 by tire manufacturers.
Figure 2 – Tire recycling in Brazil in 2009.

The next stages of the project are: simulations of the models, research at the collection points, pre-treatment and destination for surveying the processes, models used and costs involved. To raise with manufacturers and importers the management plans for the collection, storage and disposal of waste tires.